augmented reality

Posted: December 19, 2011 in Uncategorized

reale vision. project 5 final

review of stefan’s project

Posted: October 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

After reviewing Stefan’s project, I understand his warning: “kinda out there so be careful.”  That being said, I found this one to be one of the more creative projects in terms of the theme, which seems to focus on the abstract such as street art and dream themes.  There are a variety of youtube links embedded in his pages, my favorite being the Etienne de Crecy video on the first page.  The videos add a nice refreshment from the ordinary “click and go” pages.  I like how his pages form nice paths to other themed pages before they loop back to the original page where you are given two links.  For example, Stefan offers a dream page, where you can choose the “real” or “nightmares” option, and I like how this page offers branches that once finished, go back to this original page.  I liked how random some of the pictures and page themes are, and Stefan uses a good amount of interesting and funny pictures. I found myself sometimes frustrated because I couldn’t find the right way to go, and would get irritated at the same pictures, but it made it worth it when I finally figured out how to navigate away to the next step.  My critique on this project would be to incorporate more pictures where only parts of the picture are available; this would make things more interactive because it would force one to look around the image for the link.  Also some full-page pictures would have added more variety to the presentation.  I like how at the top of every new page is information and sometimes hints on what to choose next.   Overall, I liked the complexity of these pages.  I feel Stefan utilized most of the resources introduced to us for use.  He seems to have a good understanding of the processes and it shows throughout his website.

my website

Posted: October 8, 2011 in Uncategorized

Take a cool journey through nature.  Click on the areas you want to explore and enjoy some pretty cool photos on the way!!

Breaking Bad on Netflix, dont watch it if you want to have a life.

sounds at la paloma

Posted: September 14, 2011 in Uncategorized

syllabus week over

Posted: September 7, 2011 in Uncategorized

Well, syllabus week is over, always goes by too fast.  This pretty much sums it up.  Real school begin

Hello world!

Posted: September 2, 2011 in Uncategorized

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